Saturday, January 24, 2009

Greeting CNY

Sun is CNY and we'll be off work until next Wed ... a good 4 days break, not exactly long though.
For myself, I am still nursing the cough. Meds dun seem to be working but I can't take any meds unless it's safe for breastfeeding. Kai has also caught the bug from either ZQ or myself and he's developed phelgm too. Hope he recovers soon.

Kai is now 5 months @ a heafty 9 kg @ 70cm. Alot of people says that their babies are only hitting 10kg at almost a year old. I wonder how big Kai will grow to .. but he's indeed a big baby. He's vv tall and relatively easy to manage baby. He drinks vv well 180ml @ 7-8 feeds a day and is a vv happy baby. He can KO and sleep within 1-2 minutes and don't fuss too much. Thank God that he's as easy as ZQ - i am glad.

Comparing to ZQ, Kai is much taller, bigger and darker. I call him TALL, DARK and HANDSOME ... while ZQ is FAIR, more of the guai guai look, though he's rather cheeky. One sunny boy and the other, a BAI MA WANG ZI. kekekke.

ALot of people says Kai looks more like me which I do agree. Slightly more than ZQ.
ZQ is a duplicate of hubby while Kai has bigger eyes, more hair but not as deep dimples as ZQ. They're both good looking in their own ways .... haha, beauty in the eyes of the beholder. Of course, they both look fantastic in my eyes.

We tend to feel those who look similar to ourselves as more beautiful, that's why sometimes people find their partners who look like themselves (self love) ... and end up people says FU QI XIANG. No wonder hubby thinks ZQ is better looking than Kai though more people thinks Kai is more good looking .. kekkeke. I think Kai is more good looking cos he's more of my genes! Nonetheless, he looks vv much like ZQ when he was a baby. Hope not another duplicate of hubby ..... at least have some of my good genes rite?

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