Sunday, September 21, 2008

ZQ knows how to please

ZQ really knows how to please his daddy.
He drew some lines on the paper and ran over to tell daddy "I drew something special for you". Asked him what it is, he said it's the train .. it goes Choo choo choo ...
Daddy then asked him to add some more colors and he replie "No, thank you".
His other favourite phrase is "Stop it Papa" "Stop it Mama" "Stop it Auntie" .. he learnt that in his CC and now he uses it with us when we tried to stop him from misbehaving and he will say "So sad ..... " when we really discipline him. Next second, he'll be jumping with joy and I wonder if he is good at acting. *Sigh.

He's quite funny. The way he answers sounds vv much like an adult but then it could be all 2.5 yr olds are answering in this manner.

Sometimes he will say "I tell u something" .....
Other times he will pull your head near to him and say "Spell my name.."
Now he knows his daddy and mommy's name and i am teaching him to remember my mobile number. Hope it's a good thing .. not sure if it will backfire and he might end up calling me often next time. Let's see.

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