Saturday, September 20, 2008

ZK is 1 month old

ZK is 1 month old today. Was planning for a dinner session with some relatives but becos my FIL cannot make it, we had to postpone it. Dunno when but hubby is arranging it.

From birth of 3.65kg, ZK had now grown to be about 5 kg. I was surprised cos i always thought he was only 4 kg. It was calculation mistake. Now he drinks 100-120ml every 2-2.5hours, that's alot for a baby only 4 weeks. Furthermore, it's vv SIONG to wake up every 2 hours to feed him. Each time it will take at least 1 hour and if my #1 is at home eg. Weekends, then we really don't have time. Though confinement is ending soon but i don't see myself going out alot .. i still need alot of rest.

ZQ is getting abit more unmanagable cos he sees me home alot and i give him more time since the maid has to take care of ZK at times, hence i have to come in to take over certain things. Maid finds that she cannot manage him. She will give in to him when he cries and makes a din ... so she will give him biscuits(chocolate kind), etc which I myself do not give to ZQ cos he develops cough easily. He had been coughing for a while and on and off, it comes back for few weeks. having gone through so long to have his cough recovered, of course i am upset that she gives him rubbish food and he might develop cough again.

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