Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ZK at 2 months old

Don't you think he looks handsome? *ahem, all babies looks most adorable to their parents. He surely looks skinnier than lying down. He's now at 6kg @ 8-9 weeks. Pretty long by now, my own measurement was about 60cm ... dunno accurate not. Be bringing him for the Hep B + DPT jab at the PD.

PDs are so exp but then polyclinics had increased their price and it's not really that much difference, prob another $100+ for the 3 jabs. Furthermore, the queue is really long, the doc seeing him will be an MO (pretty inexperience ones sometimes).... might as well let him see a more professional one for now till he is at least 6 months' old, after his 3rd DPT jab.

Spending more $$ on ZK than ZQ ..... why? cos i have a more stable job this time. Feels bad that he has to inherit big brother's clothes, things so I buy more of other luxurious items which are not necessity - eg toys, music CDs ...

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