Saturday, July 5, 2008

Back aches starts .....

To date, I am into my 32 weeks of pregnancy and I had gained only a total of 7.5kg (including 2 kg I had lost).
Current weight = Previous weight - 2kg(lost during 1st trimester) + 5.5kg.

This 2nd pregnancy I had not gained much but my tummy is growing vv big. I was at 42 inches when I delivered ZQ but now, I have another 1.5 months more to go before my scheduled delivery date and my waist is already 42 inches.

Back pain sets in and I've to wake up couple of times each nite. Feeling guilty that I may not have time for ZQ, I try my best to do what I can for him now - knowing that the attention will be split with #2 in August. However, this may not be the best option cos if he is used to having more attention from me, then come August, he might feel more strained without it. Worst, it has made me so alert that I wake at every sound that comes from him and will go check on him. Not getting enough sleep though. Guess I have to learn to let go more and leave things to my helper and hubby.

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