ZQ has slowly mastered a few songs which he can sing and it's rather impressive - to me at least. I guess children nowadays are really very clever.
One of the songs he can sing is the chinese song "Ma Ma Hao". It melts my heart when he always sing it .... Another favourite is the chinese song "Huo Che Kuai Pao" - train running fast. He will sing this song day in day out ... sometimes he will even substitute the "Huo Che" with some other words. hehe quite ingenious.
Another one he used to sing is the "Ming Yue Ji Shi You" ..... which I taught him cos I had this poem written on my bedroom wall and he loves to have me sing it to him. He also picked up the first 4 phrases. There are quite a number of songs which he knows how to sing and sometimes even those I don't he will sing it to me. As I had been teaching him same songs, I think it's time to find new songs to teach him else he'd be like a broken recorder, always repeating the same things.
Playing Bubbles
ZQ's new playtime fun is to play with bubbles. We bought 2 machine operated bubble blowing machines but it seems they are not working too well. Sometimes it does not work as well as we'd like it to be.
ZQ even learnt this "Tomorrow play bubble" .... and sometimes he will just tell me that after he has had his bubble session that day. So cute.
Whining & saying Bu Yao
He has picked up this habit of whinning when he does not get his way. As I do not normally give in to him, he has learnt to turn to the new maid. As she is new, she gives in to him and I had to instruct her to be more firm.
ZQ seems to like her alot - perhaps she is vv slack with him? giving him whatever he wants?
I have to monitor as it's bad for someone to sing a different tune with me if I want to train and discipline ZQ. Once, he even turned to her cos I said No and insist that he cannot do it. He did not even want me to carrry him afterward and only asking for "auntie".
Kids are really smart to know who they can "bully".