Wednesday, November 28, 2007

ZQ sings the Do Re Mi song (first word only)

Sometimes we run out of ideas of what songs to sing with the kid, so, recently I remembered the Do Re Mi song and i started singing to ZQ. Amazingly, he can remember the Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Di , Do ..... So he will say the first word Do and I sing the sentence then he will continue with the next word, Re ... and so on until Do again. It's quite fun playing and singing with him in this manner. *Will try to post the video - hopefully sometime soon :)

Had also bought him some toys on shapes which I taught he does not know well cos often, when I show him the flash cards on shapes ... he looks disinterested and dun seem to be able to point to the correct shapes. When we got home with the shapes (wooden flat pieces which u place on the wooden board) - hubby started playing with him and next we realised that he actually knows all the shapes! They were just playing a speed game to place the pieces back to the board. And dear ZQ is so funny, he will try to place the pieces in and when he realised that it is at the wrong place (ie Oval shape he was trying to fit into the Circle shape) , he will mumble to himself "No no .... " .. then try another place.

Tried on the ABC ones but he is not too keen cos the pieces are rather small - prob keep it for a while later. Perhaps I can go get the color ones?

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