Saturday, June 5, 2010

Quan & Kai - June 2010

Quan recently went for an art trial and he was put to a 30 mins test. First the teacher asked him to draw an orange and color it. he tried and colored it without coloring out of the boundary too much. Looking at it I was quite proud that he is doing fine ... cos he seldom color properly at home. Then next I saw the teacher asking him to color another orange and drew some strokes for him to guide him. A while later I came back into the room and saw a vv nice orange with different shades. I was vv impressed and Quan said he did it without much help.

The next assessment was to let him follow whatever the teacher drew on the whiteboard and Quan managed to follow it reallly well. i was super duper impressed with the output too. Perhaps the kids will listen to teachers better than mommy. It was one of the best art piece that I had seen ..... i was almost on the verge of framing it up.

I hope to send him in for the classes soon.

As for Kai ....
He's able to follow our words quite well ...
Things he normally says
1. Can you help me? *in a vv gentle and sweet voice
2. Messy .. then he will turn to help pack up the mess
3. can you read?

He's able to sing some songs
1. Clean up Clean up
2. His favourite is Humpty Dumpty
3. Twinkle twinkle little star
4. a chinese song called Tai Yang Gong Gong
5, rain rain go away

He's quite a dear. During bedtime he'd like to "disturb" ger ger when he goes back to sleep .,.. he'd sayang ger ger, kiss him ..... and vice versa.


Anonymous said...

hey bernice likes to sing humpty dumpty too.. Non stop !! hahaha.. twinkle twinkle and rain rain go away too.. chinese song she likes to sing ni wa wa.

Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.