Thing that he can do now.
1) Persons he can call papa, mama, yeye, nainai --> and he knows exactly who he is calling, not just calling ramdomly.
2) His favourite words :-
- Eat. He'll point to every kind of food and always say "Eat" "Eat" .... sometimes when he is hungry or wants to eat it, he'll also say it. However, he is still eating vv little as a 1 year old. He hardly takes more than 5 spoonful of rice. Very little for a toddler who is now standing at 11kg(or more).
- Eeeee - He'll see some dirt on the floor and says "Eeeee" cos my #1 says that too.
- Flower - He can say "Ah-wer" ... cos he cannot pronounce the "F" yet ....
- Duck, Lion - He likes one of the potrait of animals I hang in his room which one of them is a duck and another lion. He can't really pronounce Lion yet but it has a certain sound that makes it sound like lion when we point to it sometimes.
- Bear, Ball
4) He can attempt to get the ball from below the bed, chair by using his hands, sometimes if he cannot reach, he'll turn around and use his feet to try to kick it out. This is also imitating my #1 who does that
5) He can push open the door and then crawl inside and push close the door.
6) He knows where things are and will try to put it back to where it is suppose to be sometimes. Good memory.
7) He loves to swim and bathe. He loves water basically.
8) He is not afraid of bathing, esp when washing his hair cos I told my maid to let water flow down his face when washing his hair. Learnt this cos my #1 learnt to tilt his head backwards when washing his hair and now is very paranoid when water flows into his eyes. Kai will not have that problem.
10) He's now 11kg @77cm (or more). He feels heavier oredi but haven't measure.
11) Kai has oredi 8 teethh
12) He can nod his head and shake his head if he does not want anymore.
13) Control the ball well, he can throw the ball to the person playing with him
14) Point to the bread on the table and say Eat
15) Likes Trees and flowers
16) He can put things back into the container or into the shape sorter (in the bigger hole).
These are some of the milestones for Kai and he has indeed grown alot since birth. He's a bigger size boy than ZQ. ZQ is a happy go lucky child, very easy to manage and gets over on things very fast. As for Kai, he is slightly more stubborn. Things that he wants, he'd eh eh eh or cry until he gets his way but of course I try not to give in. He's more observant that ZQ and quieter. However, I feel he is more steady and learns before he attempts it and makes mistakes. For ZQ, he's more quick to try things and of course makes lots of mistakes but he learns as well, in a different way.